Tag Archives: Turkey

survived another holiday season

It’s all over now, the stress, the cooking, the music, the drinking, Christmas has come and gone at my house. To my most delighted surprise, it went really great this year. My parents came to spend a few days with us, and they were kind enough to provide the Turkey – which we tracked down from a Island Natural Market that supplied a free range, organic Turkey from Gabriola Island. T’was a delicious bird indeed, and quite massive. I’m not sure if they were serious or not, but my parents claim to have been “converted” to future turkey’s being from the same circumstances….we shall see.

So now it’s right back to reality. Finish school, working, cleaning, knitting and playing roller derby. I can hardly believe that time is rushing by like it seems to be doing, and I’ve been thinking about what (if any) my New Year’s Resolutions will be. Do you have any?