start where?

It’s been so long I almost forgot how to do this. I honestly considered shutting down the old blog and starting fresh with a new one – simply because I felt I had left this all too long. But the ebb and flow of blogging and writing for “fun” can sometimes turn into this feeling of obligation followed by avoidance. Crazy right? So I opted to hold my head up and dive back in to switch things up yet again.

Here’s what has been keeping me busy….

For my chicken followers:

My flock of 30 day olds that I got back at the end of May are near fully grown – I have recently integrated them into the “old girls” flock and they should start laying in the next month. We culled off some of the roosters, there are a couple more to remove from the group and soon I will have a lovely and diverse flock of Buff Brahmas, Ameracauna X’s, ISA Browns and a couple random heritage birds. I commit to sharing some pictures soon!

Roller derby:

I am still obsessed with playing, and the team I play for has evolved. We played in our first home bout this summer and we won. The sad part of that is I took a fall during that game and have been set back with a nagging knee injury. I have started skating again but still experience stiffness and pain and I see the ortho again tomorrow. Cross your fingers that something good and productive comes of this appointment.


I went a bit nuts this year and took on three on-call jobs with the thought that “I’ll have diversity, flexibility etc” which was true…for a while. Recently I secured a permanent position at one of my on-call gigs, dropped one of the three and remain on-call at the one I really want a permanent gig at. Now, I have security and benefits!


I was lucky enough to have my family from Europe come visit this summer and spend nearly a month with us here on the island. It was fantastic to be able to see my nephew learn how to ride a two wheeler before my eyes, have camp outs in my backyard, and some tiny hands helping me in the garden, with the chickens and pretty much anything I did. I cherished every moment of it.


I live on the west coast of BC and typically we get very excited with the week or two heatwave we get in the summers here. This year, no word of a lie, it rained yesterday for the first time in months. Every single day was sunny and beautiful blue skies. It was incredible and I blame this for keeping me from my computer. How can you argue that?

So there it is…the catch-up in a nutshell. What’s happening in the next while? I plan on going mushroom picking next week and I can’t wait 🙂 I’ve been studying the National Audobon Society Mushroom book, watched some docs on mushroom picking and have a craving for some chanterelles! Most definitely will share pics of my successes (or failures).

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