Tag Archives: Qualicum Beach

Diving into 2012…almost literally

It’s the first week of the new year and I couldn’t wait to get it going. I enjoyed the holidays this year, surprisingly more than I usually do, but honestly by New Year’s day I just wanted to get back to business. I know…it sounds crazy. But my logic behind this enthusiasm is to take on some personal challenges I have set for myself. Who can argue that?

I am completely swamped with finishing up courses, writing papers and studying for a terrifying exam on January 14th. I’m also back to training and working at the new job (not the one I really really want yet….fingers still crossed but trying not to dwell on it) and of course roller derby. I got my ass kicked at practice last night. I seriously felt the results of hosting friends for the past four days, indulging and perhaps having a bit too much holiday cheer. But I won’t be too hard on myself, I know we all have our “off” days and tomorrow’s practice will be better.

I am exhausted. It’s been raining like mad the past two days and normally I don’t complain about the rain. I am born and raised on the West Coast of BC – the most beautiful place ever. It is a rainforest and one of the worlds’ largest. But seriously, the last two days have been ridiculous. Extreme rainfall warnings, the road is flooded, my back field is flooded, my shoes were flooded this morning when I stepped into them to let the dogs out for pees. We are on well water, and it’s turned a murky brown and I have to boil it before anything can be done with it. I’m afraid to wash my lovely new white bath towels. *Sigh* I’m so tired and this crazy weather is just weighting me down.

Anyways, now that I’ve nearly finished whining, I wanted to report that I completed one of my New Year’s resolutions for this week already. I have added a new page up at the top (in addition to What’s my deal you ask?, GOALS, there will be NYR) where I will attempt to hold myself publicly accountable for the resolutions I made for myself.

I’ve got to get back to writing for school and although it feels depressingly overwhelming the end is in sight….