Tag Archives: Inspirational

The need for positivity

Clear Fell. Cleared forest

Image via Wikipedia

It’s been a random couple of weeks….make that a month or so. As some of you may know, we are planning on a big move to a new town – far from what either of us know. It’s exciting and frightening. It is hard to coordinate and sometimes exhausting to think about. But what keeps me going is the thought of greener pastures and a simplified lifestyle.

I have the tendency to get bogged down easily and to dwell on what may not happen (if the case is that I actually need it to happen) or vice versa. Being part of a duo has taught me that when I see these similar symptoms affecting my other half, or friend or someone around me, I need to be positive. It is so important to recognize what we have in our lives that is positive. Can you walk? Can you feed yourself? Can you do your own personal care? Can you say something nice to a stranger today? Can you smile at someone? Do you have food to eat, and water to drink? Do you appreciate simple things such as these?

Life is filled with challenges, heartache, roadblocks, loss and bad luck. But life is also a great lesson and provides opportunities at every chance to realize just how much we have and how much we can do. Of course there are also lots of lovely things in life as well. Just trying to provide some perspective…..

I’ve had a hard week. Rather than feel sorry about it and look for sympathy, I have signed up as a volunteer at my fave animal rescue place. This is just a start however, because there is something to be said about doing good and finding some meaning in getting out of a dark place by giving someone else some light. What else can I do? I feel inspired at the moment and feel the need to start something. In an effort to release some energy I feel like another closet raid is in order. Time to clear out anything I haven’t worn in the last 3 months and give it away to charity. Ideas? Anyone else feel like starting something?