Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolutions

The Commitment

So not too long ago one of my fellow roller derby team mates (and founder of our league) sent out a message to our Facebook group about commitment to becoming a team. Derby takes up time and energy but I love doing it and the way I feel when I improve my skills.

Not only do we/I as a team member need to go to practice and give it my all, I also need to work at becoming a healthier and more active person. I was inspired by her message because I have watched her throw herself into a huge life change which includes eating as a vegan, losing weight, and training in all sorts of activities to build endurance and stamina. When I read her post I thought “well I go to practice, I am healthyish….”
But really….I could be doing better. So rather than looking at the “learn to run” program I’ve downloaded…I’ve started it and I’m only in week one but it’s a start. Becoming a runner/athlete is hard, scary and daunting really….but I have heard from other runners that once they have gotten into it, it becomes natural.

Today I went for a walk/run at the beach with the dogs and I did not feel like I was going to puke….huzzah! Let’s see how the rest of the week goes 🙂
Any runner-readers out there? I’d love some tips.

Two days until the scrimmage 🙂


Moving at the speed of light! (Derby-style)

Seriously, it’s not that I haven’t wanted to post….but life’s been busy!

Last week was a long one. I had my papers, had to work and had to haul ass (for an hour+ drive) to derby practice, where I would be tested for minimum skills. For those who are unfamiliar with what I am talking about, the sport of roller derby is not just bawdy chicks in fish nets roller skating. Sure we do get to wear fun socks and tights, but it is a physically demanding sport. With practices three times per week, I was hoping it would get easier….it doesn’t. It continues to be awesome fun and makes me feel very amazing, but there are times in practice that my legs feel like they will give out on me, I am covered in bruises and have become one with ice packs.

Anyways…..I woke up last Tuesday with a sore throat. Not just a tickle, like a serious “it-hurts-to-talk-or-swallow-or-open-my-mouth” sore throat. Typical too, since I’ve been boasting about not being sick in almost a year. So I was thinking that my day was ruined…..


I passed my minimum skills! And it was HARD. It was 2 hours of intense, non-stop skating to the point that I thought I was going to keel over. The coach wanted me to relax (because I looked shaky and terrified) when really I was sicker than I’d felt in a year. Fever, sore throat, achy muscles. I passed though and I am so so so pleased. It’s not all easy now, in fact I think it will get a lot more difficult. I will need to improve a lot more before I consider myself ready for it all, but I’m happy to have passed. I signed up for a scrimmage on Feb.19th as Fresh Meat! Again for those who have no idea what I’m talking about:

A Scrimmage is kind of like an unofficial bout (or game). I will be playing with many players from other teams in our region to make up two teams. A bout is a game consisting of a particular team’s roster.

Fresh Meat: The term for rookie derby players.

Last weekend I went down to Seattle WA, and hit up Fast Girl Skates and picked up new wheels, knee pads, wrist guards and laces! Early birthday presents for me! So I continue to push myself each time I go to practice, and have some days that feel better on skates than others, but the point is I keep going because I love it.
You may have noticed in my NYResolutions tab, I’ve updated it to note that I have already achieved one of this year’s goals: I PASSED!

Diving into 2012…almost literally

It’s the first week of the new year and I couldn’t wait to get it going. I enjoyed the holidays this year, surprisingly more than I usually do, but honestly by New Year’s day I just wanted to get back to business. I know…it sounds crazy. But my logic behind this enthusiasm is to take on some personal challenges I have set for myself. Who can argue that?

I am completely swamped with finishing up courses, writing papers and studying for a terrifying exam on January 14th. I’m also back to training and working at the new job (not the one I really really want yet….fingers still crossed but trying not to dwell on it) and of course roller derby. I got my ass kicked at practice last night. I seriously felt the results of hosting friends for the past four days, indulging and perhaps having a bit too much holiday cheer. But I won’t be too hard on myself, I know we all have our “off” days and tomorrow’s practice will be better.

I am exhausted. It’s been raining like mad the past two days and normally I don’t complain about the rain. I am born and raised on the West Coast of BC – the most beautiful place ever. It is a rainforest and one of the worlds’ largest. But seriously, the last two days have been ridiculous. Extreme rainfall warnings, the road is flooded, my back field is flooded, my shoes were flooded this morning when I stepped into them to let the dogs out for pees. We are on well water, and it’s turned a murky brown and I have to boil it before anything can be done with it. I’m afraid to wash my lovely new white bath towels. *Sigh* I’m so tired and this crazy weather is just weighting me down.

Anyways, now that I’ve nearly finished whining, I wanted to report that I completed one of my New Year’s resolutions for this week already. I have added a new page up at the top (in addition to What’s my deal you ask?, GOALS, there will be NYR) where I will attempt to hold myself publicly accountable for the resolutions I made for myself.

I’ve got to get back to writing for school and although it feels depressingly overwhelming the end is in sight….



Into the New Year

Although I am pressed for time (thank you multiple assignments due this week) I feel the need to ring in the new year, blog-style. I’ve been thinking about resolutions and my ambivalence towards making them. Perhaps you feel the same way “Why make a goal that I am likely to fail?” I’ve done the typical lose weight, quit smoking, cut back on this and that, start this, do more of that resolutions, but I find I don’t really stay on top of them enough to make a real go of any of these resolutions.

Why is it that I don’t follow-up on these plans for myself? Seriously….I don’t have an answer to this.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

1) First and foremost, I think I would like to actually track the progress of following a resolution through to the end. How will I do this? I’m thinking about doing a weekly check in with myself to see how I’ve done. This will require a new diary/day planner and a spiffy pen – luckily I picked one of each up already.

2) Leave work at work. I work in the human service/care industry and at times it can be hard to leave certain situations at work. So I’d like to make a very conscious effort to leave behind people/names/scenarios/drama/politics of the workplace at my workplace and focus on enjoying the personal time I have with my loved ones as my sacred non-work life (pets included, they don’t need to hear this drama).

3) Find somewhere new to volunteer.

4) Do one good deed for a stranger 1x a week.

5) Get really good a derby skating!

I have a slew of other goals I thought about making resolutions, but I don’t want to crowd my 2012 resos. But just for kicks:

– I’d also really like to pay off some debt and build up my savings again

– Get the tattoo I’ve been thinking about for 2 years

– Give blood

– Start running

– Continue on the healthy path of ethical meat only and plenty of veggies

For New Years Eve, we have a couple of friends visiting, so the plan is to make some delicious appies, have some wine and perhaps bust out some Twister, Cranium or Monopoly while listening to some good music.
Wishing you all a very Happy and safe New Years and may a prosperous and positive 2012 lay ahead for everyone.


survived another holiday season

It’s all over now, the stress, the cooking, the music, the drinking, Christmas has come and gone at my house. To my most delighted surprise, it went really great this year. My parents came to spend a few days with us, and they were kind enough to provide the Turkey – which we tracked down from a Island Natural Market that supplied a free range, organic Turkey from Gabriola Island. T’was a delicious bird indeed, and quite massive. I’m not sure if they were serious or not, but my parents claim to have been “converted” to future turkey’s being from the same circumstances….we shall see.

So now it’s right back to reality. Finish school, working, cleaning, knitting and playing roller derby. I can hardly believe that time is rushing by like it seems to be doing, and I’ve been thinking about what (if any) my New Year’s Resolutions will be. Do you have any?