Tag Archives: Knitting and Crochet

Excitement all around!

So, a couple of weeks ago, I went to my first roller derby practice – not knowing a single person there. Yep, I was nervous as sh*t. BUT, the gals I met there were so welcoming and non-judgey and cool that I feel like I’ve found a new pack. Very exciting. I can’t wait to keep it up and improve with skating and one day play in a real bout. Finally my geeking out can pay off! The team I’ve skated with hosted their first ever bout/scrimmage this weekend so John and I went to check it out (he’s never seen a live derby bout, unlike me) and it was so much fun. He’s definitely into it now, and I am more than ever. So very excited about it all. And in a couple of days I will unleash some top-secret awesomeness………

I finally had my orientation at the new job last week….all paperwork is in order. On top of that, I got a call to interview for another place I applied to (a long shot really) so I went for it last Friday. Honestly (though I don’t want to jinx it) I feel like it went really well. I would be so pleased to get the call about this one….a real accomplishment for me. So – cross your fingers now please.

I managed to finish and submit 4 BIG assignments last week. That was insane but exciting and satisfying…but I won’t let my guard down there will be more. There is always more.

KNITTING! Yes, I have started a new project – super cool retro leg warmers. It’s more of an experiment really….modifying a pattern/making it up a little with some yarn I’ve had kicking around for ever. It’s too early to tell how they’ll turn out but here’s a snapshot of the start.And all the knitting magic happens at my “Granny Station”. My Granny Station consists of my glider/rocker that my grandma who’s gone now left for me, and the blanky that I wrap myself in was crocheted by my other grandma who I just got off the phone for over an hour with. I like my Granny Station – good things happen there. Maybe I should figure out how to crochet again…it’s been a long time. Anyways.

So this is the excitement today. Another Monday of school, knitting, waiting to hear about the job and dreaming of ways to change the world.

Happy day peeps